“I Didn’t Want my Daughter to be Saddled with Student Loan Debt Like We Were”: Peosta, Iowa Man Gives $50,000 Crowdfunded Award to Daughter
Peosta, Iowa – With an estimated 45 million borrowers collectively holding over $1.7 trillion in student loan debt, Thomas Rohn of Peosta, Iowa, was determined to help his daughter start her career with financial freedom.
After discovering Givling, a trivia game that crowdfunds student loans, Rohn began playing the game religiously to help his daughter while caring for his wife, who is undergoing treatment for Stage 4 Metastatic Cancer. “Covid-19 has completely changed our reality. We only go to treatment at the Cancer Center or emergency room visits. We see no family and only FaceTime with loved ones. We thank God for each and every day and have faith that new therapies will come out to help my wife. In the meantime, remember to cherish each other, loved ones, and life,” stated Rohn.
Given that Thomas’ wife is at high risk during the pandemic, one of Givling’s partners, DoorDash, has been a blessing for the Rohn family. “We have all of our groceries delivered through them, and they help us stay safe inside. Always remember to tip the drivers.”
Thankfully, the $50,000 award will allow his daughter to leave college debt-free and pursue her dreams without student loan debt in the way. “I have been a steadfast Givling member and had the strong belief that by helping to fund loans consistently, that someday I might be in the funding spot.
Thank you to Lizbeth, Seth, and the entire staff at Givling for the opportunity to be a member and help fund loans, and in turn, helped us with our loans,” shared Rohn.
Finally, “thank you to all the Givling members who support the crowdfunding in any way possible and continue to make it grow to help more and more people with their financial futures.”
Sound too good to be true? Wondering, “Is Givling a Scam?” Givling is free to download on Google Play or from the App Store. By watching ads, completing partner offers, and more, users crowdfund loans while competing to have their loan funded. A new user could download Givling today and be the recipient of the Free $10,000 Award or a Trivia Award within seven days or less.
So, is Givling a Scam? Not at all! Givling is the world’s only trivia crowdfunding game, specializing in tackling the ballooning $1.7 trillion student loan industry. To date, nearly $7 million in funding has been awarded towards student loans, mortgages, and trivia awards.