Another Roaring Success: Givling’s Latest $2,500 Crowdfunding Recipient Announced!
We are thrilled to announce that the lucky bear to walk away with our latest $2,500 crowdfunded award is another loyal FFG member, Janelle Drake, a mechanical engineer graduate from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Imagine Janelle’s surprise when she saw her name at the top of the Queue!
In 2009, Janelle graduated with a staggering $125K student loan debt – a common narrative for so many young graduates across the globe. Thanks to a healthy mix of hard work and grit, Janelle managed to wrestle this down to $26K over 12 painstaking years. As our newest crowdfunding recipient, Janelle plans to use the $2,500 prize to expedite her journey to becoming debt-free!
How did Janelle discover the rewarding world of the Force For Good? A good friend of hers posted about Givling on social media soon after our launch, and Janelle has been a member ever since. Janelle says, “I started playing in hopes that I could win one of the big prizes and pay off all my debt. I continued because I enjoy the daily trivia challenge and knowing that I’m helping others pay off their debts as well.”
When asked about her moment of victory, Janelle shared, “I was in total disbelief when I saw my name atop the $2,500 list in the app…once I realized it was real, I knew I had to keep up with my daily ad spins to stay at the top! They really do matter, so to the other Givling players, make sure you spin every day!”
Her words of advice to existing and new Givling users? “It may take a while to get to the top of one of the lists, but take every opportunity you can to continue earning points! Do your daily trivia games and ad spins, sign up for the various points offers, and fund when you are able. You may be surprised to find yourself on top one day!”

Outside of work and Givling, Janelle, a long-time resident of Fitchburg, MA, is deeply involved in her local community. She is the proud founder of a non-profit organization serving the transgender and non-binary community, a cause very close to her heart. Besides enriching lives through this wonderful initiative, she also indulges her creative side, playing the saxophone in two bands, and expressing herself through the art form of pyrography (detailed wood-burning!).
Congratulations Janelle, not just for your big crowdfunding award but also for the big strides you’ve made towards full financial freedom, and the awesome work you’ve done towards creating a more inclusive society. We are thrilled to see what you will achieve next!
Givling originated with the goal of easing the debt burdens of those with student loans or mortgages, but now, we are thrilled to share that all of our cash prizes of up to $50,000 may go towards whatever you need or desire it for most! We sincerely hope this $2,500 prize makes a significant difference for Janelle and that you, YOU who are reading this as an integral part of the Force For Good, continue our journey together towards achieving financial freedom for all. And for those still waiting on their big break, remember – every game and every Queue Point brings you closer to being at the top of the Queues!
Questions? Please reach out to us at Thank you for being part of the Force For Good!